Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mural Painting Reflection[3]

Mural Painting Reflection[3]
Huang DaJing(3E1)
I think a lot of team work is required in order to do a good job in painting, mural painting is not like drawing or painting on papers were individual could complete easily, it requires everyone in the team to cooperate and help each other as there are many occasions during painting requires team work, like the distribution of jobs or help in getting equipments for each other.
This activity create a great opportunity for different CCAs to build up friendship and team spirit among themselves. In order to do the painting well, everyone have to put in their best effect which is the spirit we should have in whatever things we do. I enjoy this activity a lot especially during the drawing section,we have to be very careful with the proportion when we transfer the drawing on to the wall and it is much more difficult as compare to drawing on papers

Koh Xing Ying (2E1)
Damai is celebrating it's 15th anniversary. Therefore, Art club and other CCA groups has participated in the Mural Painting.
I have participated in this event and find that it is extremely heart-warming. This event has allowed the Damians to get together to work as a team, make our neighborhood a better place to live in and change the image of the Damaians (in a more positive way) in the eyes of the public..
In order to do a good job in painting the Murals, I feel that we should have qualities that are also stated in our school mottos. And it is: FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY.
The qualities that I have mentioned above is applicable in my life and studies.
For example, Team work. It is a must to have them. As we must work in teams with our classmates during our PW lessons or when doing our projects.
During my participation in the event, I worked with the Girl Guides. They are a bunch of friendly, hard working and delightful girls. They did their job with responsiblity,and we were able to finish off our mural in just 2 sessions with no complications! I am honored to work with them.
This mural painting experience allowed me to gain more friends and allowed me to work better as a team.
This event is a extremely delightful and unforgettable experience for me and it has proved to be a successful way of gathering the spirits of the Damaians and
allowing us to work better together as a team.
I feel that the school should organize more of such events that benefits both our school and the others.
I truly enjoy this whole experience!

Priscilla Shih (2E2‏)
Its the 15th Anniversary Mural Painting. I participated in the Mural Painting with other CCA groups we are allocated to. As such, I am partnering with Mavis to work with the Drama Club to complete the mural painting of swimming at blk 717.The first day of the mural painting was quite fun as we had to work together, even if we did not knew each other. We started by decided who shall do which colour. After that Mavis and I would have to do the touch-ups. Even though we had no teachers to supervise us, we completed the task with the given paint in a few hours time. The second day was truly a tiring day. We had to paint the mural under the direct sunlight and it was really tough. Despite the heat, we also tried to finish the task. However, till about 4 plus pm, the teacher-in-charge told us to stop work and pack up even though the time is not up, as it is really very hot out there. The teacher-in-charge is afraid that we might get heatstroke, therefore we are able to pack up early. Through these two days, I really enjoyed working with the drama club. I also learnt that, anywhere we go, teamwork is very important. Without teamwork, we will not be able to accomplish the task. Therefore, we must learnt to work with others no matter where we are.


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