Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mural Drawing - reflection.

On friday, 15 may 09. The committee and some art students headed back down to school even though it was a day off for some of us. We had to draw the murals around Damai in order for the other 15 ccas to paint it for Damai's 15th anni. It was an experience for me since this is my first time doing mural drawing. We had to gather back in damai for a briefing before heading to the given blocks we were suppose to draw. Measuring the length & height for the mural was not easy neither getting everything straight was easy too. My group had to draw on tennis and it wasn't as easy, many residents passed by and stop to appreciate what we were doing. My group worked under the sun non stop for at least 3 hours. Sweat was dripping down from your forehead but thankfully mr saiful bought bottles of water for us just to cool us down from the hot hot weather. In the end we finished the drawing at around 12+ and headed back to school to take a break. Overall i had a great time drawing and luckily the heat didn't kill any of us.




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