Friday, May 22, 2009

28th UOB Painting of the year competition + the shomaker's wonderful wife

28th UOB Painting of the Year Competition
This competition is organised by UOB to promote greater interest in art among people.

Art club members who are interested in taking part in "UBO painting of the year" competition,please give your name and class to Mabel(monday) and Chin Wei(wednesday).Chin Wei, Mabel please identify yourself to them during the next CCA session.Those who wanted to participate in this competition will have to come back during June holiday to finish your work.

Your art works can be:
Photography or
-Ink painting
in acrylic, batik, chinese brush, collage, crayon, ink, mixed media, oil, watercolour or any other media.
Please refer to the Art Club notice board for more details

There is also another competition coming up.
"The shoemaker's wonderful wife" which some of you guys will be participating in term 3. please visit this website for more detail:


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