Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mural Painting Reflection[6]

Mural Painting Reflection[6]
Wong Jia Min(1E1)
I think being serious and responsible are necessary for mural painting. We must be serious to prevent painting the wrong colour on the wall and we must reach our blocks punctually. We student must be serious when we are in the Science Laboratory and must reach the place where my friends and I have decided to meet punctually.The mural painting heps me in building friendship when other pupils involved in the mural painting talk to me and we chat about our school life. The part of the mural painting process that I had enjoyed the most was the 1st section of mural painting, because I was not familiar with the road direction, I did not know how to go to blk 725. Although I had a hard time walking around the blocks to find blik 725, I learnt to be independent and tried best to find it. Luckily, in the end, I found it!

Siti Raudah Bte Mohd (1E2)
On 25th may,I was tasked to help the NCC members to do the mural painting.I didn't did anything as I was unsure about the programme with the team. I felt that I was left out of the team because most of them are boys as I don't mix with boys frequently. If I was given another opportunity,I will try my very best to co-operate with the team.

Chia Chin Wei(2E5)
I think that teamwork is the most important quality that could help us to do a good job in the painting. If there's teamwork, everyone would have been assigned to do something rather than not doing anything. The quality above can help me to work as a team when there is a assignment assign to my group so that I could have my work done quickly. One part of the mural painting that I had enjoyed the most is that even though that is tiring to paint the wall, but I have a lot fun painting it.


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