Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CCA Exhibition

Dear members,
there will be NO CCA for the first week of school, however you might be recall back to help out in the CCA Exhibition for Sec One.

CCA Exhibition details as follows:
Date: 7 Jan 2011, Friday
Venue: Atrium
Time: 3pm to 6:30pm

Thanks in advance,
Ms Candy

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

photos after the last Day of camp....:(

Last Day of camp.....
                                                   cheryl are u suck to the wall.....hehehe
                                               hahaha cheryl cant get off the wall!!!
                                         communite of ARt Club
                                                     WE are so cuteee...sorry dont know what to say
                                                 whole of  ART CLUB members...
                                                         say cheeseee...
                                                                  Zic-Zak pic

Friday, October 22, 2010

Art club western art and Chinese Seal painting....

Western art will be resuming this monday

Chinese Seal Painting have resume already

Do check at the noticebboard too if u forget your Western art or Chinese Seal Painting started....

Friday, September 17, 2010

2o sept -19 october CCA stand down...

CCA have now stand down on 20 september and it will RUSUME on the 19 OCTOBER 2010
PLEASE  take note = WesternArt
                                   there is no CCA that week on monday 18/10 CCA resumes on 25th october.
                    Chinese seal carving will resume on 20/10,Wed

Friday, August 27, 2010

Reminder for Western Art Members

Western Art Members:

Remember to bring empty bottles for next lesson! 
Thank you~! ^^

To those who are drawing, remember to bring a picture that you wanna draw!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Western art news :)

Hehe, western art has been to the SYF exhibition last wednesday, on the 18th of August 2010 :)
There are some pictures here. ( Its not really much, cause some galleries couldn't have phototaking :l my apologies ! )
But.....our school SYF art work was put in the exhibition ! And its the students from chinese seal carving's that did the hardwork :D. Congrats (: !
Okay, anyway ...


Please bring recycled plastic water bottles next week. We are going to do scultpure making.
Yup , thats all.

~ Mabel.


Hello ! There's NYAA briefing for the sec two's next week, on the 30th


Please remember to attend. Meet at ART ROOM , right after school at 1.30pm :) Mrs Tan is doing the briefing.



Saturday, August 21, 2010


More photos on the welcoming party on Flickr! ^^

Mural Painting at Blk 713

Mural painting at Blk 713 finished. It was tiring, but the outcome is good. :D
To those who helped to paint, THANK YOUUU! ^^

Friday, August 13, 2010

Attention to all Chinese Painting group members

Attention to all Chinese Painting Group members
Please be informed that CCA will be cancelled on Wednesday 18 August due to 'O' level coursework submission.
Thanks ^_^

Attention: Western Art Group Members

Attention to All Western Art Group Members
Please be informed that there will be no CCA on Monday, 16 August 2010. Instead, selected 20 members will be visiting the SYF Art & Crafts Exhibition on Wednesday 18 August 2010. Your group leaders will be passing you the consent forms on Monday.

Details for SYF Exhibition Visit:
When: 18 August, Wednesday 2010
Where to report: 3:15pm in the Art Room

You will lock your bags in the art room and collect them when you are back.

The bus will leave at 3:30pm sharp, please be punctual. 2-way transport provided.

Thanks ^-^

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

3rd NYAA briefing

Hello sec 2's !
There is another NYAA briefing coming up. It is on the 16th of August,


Mrs Tan will be conducting the briefing. The time is 1.30 pm , right after school at the ART ROOM.

Attendance is compulsory :)


Monday, July 19, 2010

MYAA Briefing

 SEC 2'S who have not attended today's, 19th July, NYAA Briefing are :
Koh Hui Min
Wu Wei Quan
Xin Miao
Andrea Janae
Yeo Hui Ping
Widaad Binte

Please take note that there is still NYAA Briefing on the the 2nd of August.

It will be right after school at 1.30 P.M, in the ART room.

Attendence is compulsory.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sorry ! Postphoned NYAA briefing.

Dear sec 2's,

I'm sorry but now the NYAA briefing has been postphoned to 19th JULY.

This is because Mrs Tan has something on, on the 12th of July.

Meet at the Art room , at 1.30pm.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Note to all sec 2s art members 

There is a briefing about the NYAA booklet on the 12 July.

 It is right after school , at 1.30pm.

Mrs Tan will be doing the briefing.

Attendance is COMPULSORY.

Thanks ~

Monday, June 28, 2010

Blk 713 PCF Kindergarten

Our work @Blk 713 PCF Kindergarten

Thanks to Priscilla, Wei Suen, Darius, Sabirah, Wen Wen, Jia Jia. Jia Min, Kean. Da Jing and Siew Leng for their dedication to bring joy to the kids at the kindergarten by painting this beautiful mural.
More mural painting (CIP) activities coming up, interested members, please kindly let your respective group leaders know.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


-------- IMPORTANT NOTICE ---------
Dear members,
some of you have been recalled back to school for art club activities, however please be aware that 31 May is 'O' Level Mother Tongue Examinations. Hence to provide a conducive environment for the graduating students, all activities planned on that day will be CANCELLED. Please do not turn up on that day.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

CCA Appreciation Day


Dear graduating members and all SYF participants,
please be reminded that CCA APPRECIATION DAY will be held tomorrow. Please see below for details:

Venue: School Hall
Time: 2:00pm


Pls note that there is no cca tmr.. cca will only resume when sch reopens. 


Thursday, May 20, 2010


Western Art members please be reminded to bring your brushes for next week's Art Lesson.

Do remember that there will be an extra lesson on Monday , 31 MAY 2010, of the first week of the holidays by 10am.



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CCA Appreciation Day

CCA Appreciation Day for all graduating and SYF participants
Dear members,
the school has organised a CCA Appreciation Day for all graduating and SYF participants on 27 May 2010, immediately after school. Our ex-chairman and current advisor, Dajing will be giving a speech on the Day.
Please participate actively.
Ms Candy

Impt Announcement for all Sec 2 members

Important Announcement for all Sec 2 Members
Please meet Mrs Tan in Art Room 2 Next Monday (24/05/10) at 3:00pm for important briefing on NYAA award.
Attendance is compulsory

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CCA Resumes on 17 May + Impt announcement

CCA Resumes on 17 May + Impt announcement

Dear members,
CCA will resumes on 17 May, hope u guys have done well for the exams.

Members who are in the Western Art Group,
please prepare the following before you come for CCA on 17 May, Monday:

Design for painting - draw within a square box of 15 cm x 15 cm, to color
Bring pencils, eraser, color pencils and brushes.

Ms Candy

Thursday, April 29, 2010

NPARKS CIB Arts Competition 2010

Dear members,

The following members have won the Community in Bloom Arts Competition organised by National Parks Board.

They are:

Ong Chen Sin Cheryl - Special Mention Award

Shih Yong Ling Priscilla - Top 5

Congratulations and well done!
Ms Candy

SYF Art & Crafts Central Judging

Dear members,
The following students have managed to attain the following awards in the Singapore Youth Festival Art & Crafts Central Judging and once again helped the school to secure our Substained Achievement Award.

Team 1 - Everlasting Friendship (Chinese Seal Carving)
Huang Dajing, Tiffany Soh, Sienna Hoggianto, Lee Yee Chin, Hsiao Ju Ling

Team 2 - Torch of Friendship (Chinese Seal Carving)Chia Chin Wei, Vanessa Fong Jia Wei, Shih Yong Ling Priscilla, Koh Xing Ying, Ong Chen Sin Cheryl

Wang Ting Ting - Blossoming Friendships (Chinese Painting)

There will be an exhibition showcasing the winning artworks at the Singapore Art Museum from 23 July to 22 August 2010. Please do show your support by visiting the exhibition.

I wish to extend my gratitude and appreciation for all the members who have worked very hard for the competition. It doesn't matter what award we get or we didnt get, as long as we have tried our best.

Well done, guys!
Ms Candy

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Media Art Group

Reflections by graduating members from New Media Art Group

Ashley (4A1)
It has been an interesting and fun-filled journey for me in Art Club. I have made a handful of new friends. When i first joined Art Club which was in Secondary One, my first impression of Art Club in Damai was that it was boring and that we had to draw and paint everyday. But i was wrong. Sometimes we went out of school to do CIP or sometimes we did Photoshop. My impression of Art Club changed from that point on. Also, by me joining art Club, my skills in drawing has improved and i can now draw things that i thought i could not draw. Now i am in Sec 4A1 and i am glad that i chose Art Club as my CCA.

Asriah (4A1)
I only started to join art club last year. I've been wanting to join art club since i first step into damai sec. I really had fun doing new stuff that i have not tried before. Making new friends is fun too, especially art club camp, i start to be closer to my friends. Ms Candy is friendly too, she always been friendly towards me.

Jordan Lee (4E6)
Art Club is indeed the best CCA to me in my 4 years in Damai as there are nice teachers in it, fun activities and i made new friends. Through the years, i learnt chinese calligraphy and also Photoshop. I will miss the moments in Art Club when i graduate this year.

Goh Kiat Seng (4E3)
I have been in the Art Club for 3 years now. The life in Art Club is very fun and enjoyable. I have learnt alot on how to create an art piece by using different types of art material. Like using watercolor to paint and using charcoal to draw. I even learnt how to edit pictures using Photoshop. The art Club Camp last year is also fun-filled. This is my last year in Art Club and i am glad that i chose Art Club as my CCA.

Pauline Tan (5A1)
These past five years, i had many fun and enjoyable times with my fellow art club friends. Art Club gave me a chance to take part in competitions. I enjoyed the outings that were organised by the art club committee members like going to the musuem and cip. This enabled me to be exposed to different type of art and experiences.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

After all their hard work and efforts, these are the reflections of those who participated in syf... good luck for the 2nd round of syf!! =P

Koh Xing Ying (3E1)
It is an honor to me able to participate in such a huge event like the SYF. I've truly enjoyed myself during the process of preparing our syf seal carving item.It was no easy task completing our final piece.All thanks to our instructor, Mr Lee and my team mates, we were able to complete a wonderful final artwork. We have recently receive the news of being in to the second round, I hope we are able to get some awards to do our school proud. Go, Damaians!

Priscilla Shih (3E4)
It is a rare opportunity to be able to participate in syf. Even though the theme was a bit hard, my grp members and I spent a lot of time researching and brainstorming on what is related to the theme. But under the guidance of our instructor, Mr Lee, we are able to complete the final product. Even though we had stayed back almost every friday to rush out carving the stones before the dateline, but after seeing the end product, I think the hardwork and efforts put in were worthwhile. For all the efforts we had put in, we are in for the second round of syf, I hope that each one of us can do our very best in creating the best end product!

Huang DaJing (4E1)
This is my second time participating in SYF, it is a different experience as compared to what I experienced in sec 2. This time round, we are less dependent on our instructor as we had a better idea of the things that we are suppose to do and??it is more challenging for us as we are determined to achieve a better result in the competition. Although we had to stay back for extra sessions to complete our work, I find it quite enjoyable, and I had a good time working with my teammates and teachers too. Completing the artwork with my friends gives me sense of achievement and I think that this is a very good experience for me. Ps: Thank You to Mr Lee for guiding us throughout!:)
Chia Chin Wei (3E1)
I felt honor that I could participate in this competition. Although I find it difficult to finish carving the seals and brainstorms for new ideas, I truly had lots of fun during the process in finishing up the work. After everything were done, I am very satisfied with the end product and everyone in the team had also put in a lot of effort. Thus it is a great experience for me to participate in this competition. :)

Cheryl Ong (3E4)
This is the first time I participated in the SYF competitions. I find that the process is difficult and tiring. We took a long time to complete all the seals. It took a lot of hard work to finally finish our art piece. A lot of research was done on the theme itself. It took us a long time to find the right pictures and the right phrases to suit the theme. But in the end the end product was great and it was worth all the time effort and troubles. Hopefully we can win a prize in SYF competitions. 
Yee Chin (4E2)
This is my last year of taking part of the seal carving SYF. I felt that I am lucky as my batch can participate 2 SYFs instead of 1. This time round we did put alot of effort on the carvings by carving more difficult pictures and words. We also put in a new color combinations in it too. In this SYF, i felt that the bonds between friends are much closer as we spent quite alot of times doing the project together. Upon hearing that we had gotten in the first round of audition, my friends and I were so happy about it. It is because we really did our best in it. I hope that this year we could achieve the gold with honour award because we think that we really deserve this pay back. This will not only bring the glory to our school but also our very own Art club.

Hsiao Ju Ling (4E3)

The stone carving that we carved represents the friendship and cohesiveness among different countries. We, Damaians divided ourselves among different groups and each group played their roles in this sculpture. Every group carved theme word and these words displayed our keen interest in participating in the SYF.
Tiffany Soh (4E1)
I am very glad to be involved in this year's Art SYF, especially i had truly enjoyed myself this year working hard for OUR GOAL. :)
Everyone dedicated their heart and souls into making fine and exquisite pieces of seals. We aimed for perfection in our work - From the search of profound words to how we should align the seals in the box, we gave in our very best. We all shared a common goal, that is: To be awarded Gold for this SYF.
I really would like to express my gratitude and heartfelt thanks to our great Coach, Mr Lee. He has been a great coach, guiding us and even cracking jokes to help us de-stress...Chinese Calligraphy enables you to develop many virtues such as Patience, and the thirst for knowledge. I've developed an even deeper interest for Chinese Culture. Thank you Mr Lee!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Update , update :) !


SEC 4 and 5 CCA step down ! (:

Wish the seniors all the best for 'O'

levels !


Monday, April 12, 2010

SYF Art & Crafts Central Judging

All our 5 entries have been shortlisted for SYF Art & Crafts Central Judging, results will be announced end of April. Well done all participants!

Friday, April 9, 2010














Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The SPD Flag Day is on this saturday 10 apr 2010. 

Attire: Half uniform, NO SANDALS/SLIPPERS!!

You are to assemble at:
Pasir Ris MRT Station - From station control, turn right to Exit B.  Walk out the station and turn left towards the staircase. The Collection Centre area is next to staircase.

Pls meet there at 9.55am SHARP for attendance taking.



Monday, April 5, 2010

New Media Art Group

------------ Announcement for New Media Art Group ----------------------------
Dear members of New Media art, tomorrow will be the last CCA session for you guys as CCA will stand on officially on 12 April for all graduating students (both 'N' and 'O' level). We'll be doing reflections followed by phototaking.
'N' level members, all the best, promote to Sec 5 and hope to see you guys again next year.
'O' level members, best wishes for 'O' levels!
Ms Candy :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Announcement for Members in Western Art Group

--------------------- Announcement for members in Western Art Group -----------------------
All members in Western Art Group, please do your layout for painting before CCA on Monday, 5 April. Please also bring along a set of brushes if you have, if you do not have a set of brushes, you are required to pay $5.50 to group leader for purchase of paintbrushes.
Mr Malcolm Tan, Instructor

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dunman High arts festival !

Hellohello ! I'm back with pictures from Dunman High. Haha, immediately posting up the pictures cause they are really interesting :O
Take a look ! :)

Finished uploading ! Yup, these are works from Dunman High. Okay, will upload more on flickr soon !
See ya ~~

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

CCA stand down....

Attention all members from graduating classes!

CCA will stand down with effect from 12 april 2010

so, cherish the remaining sessions tht you have:)

For those from non-graduating classes, CCA will stand down on 12 april too and resume from 17 may 2010


Friday, March 26, 2010

kite making reflection

Ann Siew Leng (1a3)

The kite-making was fun, Last time i didn't know how to create a kite, but now i know. The instructer was very patient teaching us instead of scolding us etc. the trip was very fun although i'm the only sec 1, but i get to know some of the seniors . And the other one is creating ur own personal badge i've lots of fun creating it. I hope to have this kind of'outing again as it was well worth cos we learn many things.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

announcement for new media art group

+++ announcement for new media art group +++
CIP activity at Blk 136 PPIS Student Centre has been changed from Wednesday, 31 March to 1 April, Thursday. The students at the centre are having religious class on Wednesday. Please note the changes and meet Shirlene at the fountain in front of the canteen at immediately after school. Please be reminded to have a heavy brunch during recess.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

cip( spd flg day)

Attention all art club members!! Last call for the upcoming flag day!! details:
SPD flag day
10th april 2010
10am- 3pm
age limit of 15 and above..
those who want to register pls contact ur grp leaders n tell them ur name, class n NRIC number. closing dateline for registration is this mon. (29th march 2010)
(pls note that 10th april is speech day so those involved do not register for the cip event.)

reflection for yog CAN! festival kite workshop

On the 27th of february, 7 of our members went to the YOG CAN! festival. they had fun there.. did u noe tat they even appeared on the newspaper?? anyway, these are their reflections below^^

Kee Wen Wen (2a2)
i'm kee wen wen... my reflection on 27-2-10 sat... on 27-2-10 9 of us from art club went to learn to made a was fun and very very hot day!!...and the place was very nice. over there we can made our own bag , kites , badges and other. I even design my own badges... it was a very tired and fun so fun!!! i have a very good memory over there..

Wei Suen (2e1)
I really enjoyed the trip to marina barrage and the CAN! Create kite workshop, although the weather was very hot. We learnt how to make kites, which I didn’t have a chance to do it before and it seems very easy to do it, but when I tried it, it was actually so difficult! And I always ask my other friends to help me out, and they were very willing to help me. From this, I learnt that we can also build up our teamwork and friendship. But I think that the time management for this activity is not as good, as it starts at 12.30 to 2.30, which eats up our lunch time, and we have to eat after that. But overall, I liked the trip!

Jasmine See (4E1)
I feel that this workshop is very enjoyable and meaningful as we can have the chance to participate in the creating kite competition which is held in preparation for the upcoming 2010 YOG (169 days to the YOG=169 kites) It was a bit tiring, but I had a lot of fun during the workshop, as this is the first time that I can create a kite and decorate it, as well as I can write down my wishes towards Singapore being in the YOG. I hope that I can have another chance to take part in similar events.

Wong Jia Min (2e1)
I was very excited because this was my first time taking MRT trains without parents' company, first time making badge and kite. I was perspiring continuously because the weather was hot and sunny. Luckily there were free canned cold coke! Making badge was very fun and easy, just draw on a round coloured paper and the people at there would help us make it into a badge. I have been wanting to make my own badge for a long time and finally got the chance to do it! Making kite was very difficult because there were many steps to follow and the string kept getting tangled. I did not know how to untie the knots, so had to ask many people to help me. I think this workshop is very meaningful because it allows us to experience things which most of us have not tried before and it allows us to have more resilience during the kite making.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Announcement for members in New Media Art

-------------- Announcement for New Media Art members ----------------------------
All New Media Art members are reminded that CCA will resume on 24 March 2010, Wednesday, 3pm to 5pm.
Things to Bring: a pair of scissors
Where to meet: Art Room
We'll be learning how to make bookmarks and will be teaching children at a Student Care Centre the following week. This is to spread our love for the arts and also to bring joy to the children, CIP hours will be awarded.
Cya, Ms Candy :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Plus, more pictures uploaded at Flickr! :D

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