Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Media Art Group

Reflections by graduating members from New Media Art Group

Ashley (4A1)
It has been an interesting and fun-filled journey for me in Art Club. I have made a handful of new friends. When i first joined Art Club which was in Secondary One, my first impression of Art Club in Damai was that it was boring and that we had to draw and paint everyday. But i was wrong. Sometimes we went out of school to do CIP or sometimes we did Photoshop. My impression of Art Club changed from that point on. Also, by me joining art Club, my skills in drawing has improved and i can now draw things that i thought i could not draw. Now i am in Sec 4A1 and i am glad that i chose Art Club as my CCA.

Asriah (4A1)
I only started to join art club last year. I've been wanting to join art club since i first step into damai sec. I really had fun doing new stuff that i have not tried before. Making new friends is fun too, especially art club camp, i start to be closer to my friends. Ms Candy is friendly too, she always been friendly towards me.

Jordan Lee (4E6)
Art Club is indeed the best CCA to me in my 4 years in Damai as there are nice teachers in it, fun activities and i made new friends. Through the years, i learnt chinese calligraphy and also Photoshop. I will miss the moments in Art Club when i graduate this year.

Goh Kiat Seng (4E3)
I have been in the Art Club for 3 years now. The life in Art Club is very fun and enjoyable. I have learnt alot on how to create an art piece by using different types of art material. Like using watercolor to paint and using charcoal to draw. I even learnt how to edit pictures using Photoshop. The art Club Camp last year is also fun-filled. This is my last year in Art Club and i am glad that i chose Art Club as my CCA.

Pauline Tan (5A1)
These past five years, i had many fun and enjoyable times with my fellow art club friends. Art Club gave me a chance to take part in competitions. I enjoyed the outings that were organised by the art club committee members like going to the musuem and cip. This enabled me to be exposed to different type of art and experiences.


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