Thursday, April 29, 2010

NPARKS CIB Arts Competition 2010

Dear members,

The following members have won the Community in Bloom Arts Competition organised by National Parks Board.

They are:

Ong Chen Sin Cheryl - Special Mention Award

Shih Yong Ling Priscilla - Top 5

Congratulations and well done!
Ms Candy

SYF Art & Crafts Central Judging

Dear members,
The following students have managed to attain the following awards in the Singapore Youth Festival Art & Crafts Central Judging and once again helped the school to secure our Substained Achievement Award.

Team 1 - Everlasting Friendship (Chinese Seal Carving)
Huang Dajing, Tiffany Soh, Sienna Hoggianto, Lee Yee Chin, Hsiao Ju Ling

Team 2 - Torch of Friendship (Chinese Seal Carving)Chia Chin Wei, Vanessa Fong Jia Wei, Shih Yong Ling Priscilla, Koh Xing Ying, Ong Chen Sin Cheryl

Wang Ting Ting - Blossoming Friendships (Chinese Painting)

There will be an exhibition showcasing the winning artworks at the Singapore Art Museum from 23 July to 22 August 2010. Please do show your support by visiting the exhibition.

I wish to extend my gratitude and appreciation for all the members who have worked very hard for the competition. It doesn't matter what award we get or we didnt get, as long as we have tried our best.

Well done, guys!
Ms Candy

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Media Art Group

Reflections by graduating members from New Media Art Group

Ashley (4A1)
It has been an interesting and fun-filled journey for me in Art Club. I have made a handful of new friends. When i first joined Art Club which was in Secondary One, my first impression of Art Club in Damai was that it was boring and that we had to draw and paint everyday. But i was wrong. Sometimes we went out of school to do CIP or sometimes we did Photoshop. My impression of Art Club changed from that point on. Also, by me joining art Club, my skills in drawing has improved and i can now draw things that i thought i could not draw. Now i am in Sec 4A1 and i am glad that i chose Art Club as my CCA.

Asriah (4A1)
I only started to join art club last year. I've been wanting to join art club since i first step into damai sec. I really had fun doing new stuff that i have not tried before. Making new friends is fun too, especially art club camp, i start to be closer to my friends. Ms Candy is friendly too, she always been friendly towards me.

Jordan Lee (4E6)
Art Club is indeed the best CCA to me in my 4 years in Damai as there are nice teachers in it, fun activities and i made new friends. Through the years, i learnt chinese calligraphy and also Photoshop. I will miss the moments in Art Club when i graduate this year.

Goh Kiat Seng (4E3)
I have been in the Art Club for 3 years now. The life in Art Club is very fun and enjoyable. I have learnt alot on how to create an art piece by using different types of art material. Like using watercolor to paint and using charcoal to draw. I even learnt how to edit pictures using Photoshop. The art Club Camp last year is also fun-filled. This is my last year in Art Club and i am glad that i chose Art Club as my CCA.

Pauline Tan (5A1)
These past five years, i had many fun and enjoyable times with my fellow art club friends. Art Club gave me a chance to take part in competitions. I enjoyed the outings that were organised by the art club committee members like going to the musuem and cip. This enabled me to be exposed to different type of art and experiences.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

After all their hard work and efforts, these are the reflections of those who participated in syf... good luck for the 2nd round of syf!! =P

Koh Xing Ying (3E1)
It is an honor to me able to participate in such a huge event like the SYF. I've truly enjoyed myself during the process of preparing our syf seal carving item.It was no easy task completing our final piece.All thanks to our instructor, Mr Lee and my team mates, we were able to complete a wonderful final artwork. We have recently receive the news of being in to the second round, I hope we are able to get some awards to do our school proud. Go, Damaians!

Priscilla Shih (3E4)
It is a rare opportunity to be able to participate in syf. Even though the theme was a bit hard, my grp members and I spent a lot of time researching and brainstorming on what is related to the theme. But under the guidance of our instructor, Mr Lee, we are able to complete the final product. Even though we had stayed back almost every friday to rush out carving the stones before the dateline, but after seeing the end product, I think the hardwork and efforts put in were worthwhile. For all the efforts we had put in, we are in for the second round of syf, I hope that each one of us can do our very best in creating the best end product!

Huang DaJing (4E1)
This is my second time participating in SYF, it is a different experience as compared to what I experienced in sec 2. This time round, we are less dependent on our instructor as we had a better idea of the things that we are suppose to do and??it is more challenging for us as we are determined to achieve a better result in the competition. Although we had to stay back for extra sessions to complete our work, I find it quite enjoyable, and I had a good time working with my teammates and teachers too. Completing the artwork with my friends gives me sense of achievement and I think that this is a very good experience for me. Ps: Thank You to Mr Lee for guiding us throughout!:)
Chia Chin Wei (3E1)
I felt honor that I could participate in this competition. Although I find it difficult to finish carving the seals and brainstorms for new ideas, I truly had lots of fun during the process in finishing up the work. After everything were done, I am very satisfied with the end product and everyone in the team had also put in a lot of effort. Thus it is a great experience for me to participate in this competition. :)

Cheryl Ong (3E4)
This is the first time I participated in the SYF competitions. I find that the process is difficult and tiring. We took a long time to complete all the seals. It took a lot of hard work to finally finish our art piece. A lot of research was done on the theme itself. It took us a long time to find the right pictures and the right phrases to suit the theme. But in the end the end product was great and it was worth all the time effort and troubles. Hopefully we can win a prize in SYF competitions. 
Yee Chin (4E2)
This is my last year of taking part of the seal carving SYF. I felt that I am lucky as my batch can participate 2 SYFs instead of 1. This time round we did put alot of effort on the carvings by carving more difficult pictures and words. We also put in a new color combinations in it too. In this SYF, i felt that the bonds between friends are much closer as we spent quite alot of times doing the project together. Upon hearing that we had gotten in the first round of audition, my friends and I were so happy about it. It is because we really did our best in it. I hope that this year we could achieve the gold with honour award because we think that we really deserve this pay back. This will not only bring the glory to our school but also our very own Art club.

Hsiao Ju Ling (4E3)

The stone carving that we carved represents the friendship and cohesiveness among different countries. We, Damaians divided ourselves among different groups and each group played their roles in this sculpture. Every group carved theme word and these words displayed our keen interest in participating in the SYF.
Tiffany Soh (4E1)
I am very glad to be involved in this year's Art SYF, especially i had truly enjoyed myself this year working hard for OUR GOAL. :)
Everyone dedicated their heart and souls into making fine and exquisite pieces of seals. We aimed for perfection in our work - From the search of profound words to how we should align the seals in the box, we gave in our very best. We all shared a common goal, that is: To be awarded Gold for this SYF.
I really would like to express my gratitude and heartfelt thanks to our great Coach, Mr Lee. He has been a great coach, guiding us and even cracking jokes to help us de-stress...Chinese Calligraphy enables you to develop many virtues such as Patience, and the thirst for knowledge. I've developed an even deeper interest for Chinese Culture. Thank you Mr Lee!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Update , update :) !


SEC 4 and 5 CCA step down ! (:

Wish the seniors all the best for 'O'

levels !


Monday, April 12, 2010

SYF Art & Crafts Central Judging

All our 5 entries have been shortlisted for SYF Art & Crafts Central Judging, results will be announced end of April. Well done all participants!

Friday, April 9, 2010














Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The SPD Flag Day is on this saturday 10 apr 2010. 

Attire: Half uniform, NO SANDALS/SLIPPERS!!

You are to assemble at:
Pasir Ris MRT Station - From station control, turn right to Exit B.  Walk out the station and turn left towards the staircase. The Collection Centre area is next to staircase.

Pls meet there at 9.55am SHARP for attendance taking.



Monday, April 5, 2010

New Media Art Group

------------ Announcement for New Media Art Group ----------------------------
Dear members of New Media art, tomorrow will be the last CCA session for you guys as CCA will stand on officially on 12 April for all graduating students (both 'N' and 'O' level). We'll be doing reflections followed by phototaking.
'N' level members, all the best, promote to Sec 5 and hope to see you guys again next year.
'O' level members, best wishes for 'O' levels!
Ms Candy :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Announcement for Members in Western Art Group

--------------------- Announcement for members in Western Art Group -----------------------
All members in Western Art Group, please do your layout for painting before CCA on Monday, 5 April. Please also bring along a set of brushes if you have, if you do not have a set of brushes, you are required to pay $5.50 to group leader for purchase of paintbrushes.
Mr Malcolm Tan, Instructor

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dunman High arts festival !

Hellohello ! I'm back with pictures from Dunman High. Haha, immediately posting up the pictures cause they are really interesting :O
Take a look ! :)

Finished uploading ! Yup, these are works from Dunman High. Okay, will upload more on flickr soon !
See ya ~~
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