Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wonder what have we been doing during cca days? Well take a look below!

Done by group 3-

Done by group 2-

(Sorry! I don' have pictures for group 1)

Hellooo art clubbers. This blog seems a little quiet so in order to make it more well errmmm happening, i shall just blog about stuff on art club i guess? hahaha! Anyway, our End of year exams are finally over and its time to get back for cca after school. Hopefully you guys would be faithful to attend cca and remember that there's still cca tho the exams are over :)
The art com is working hard to make 2008 camp a success so we hope to see all of you guys down for camp in November, consent forms would be handed out tomorrow, monday 19th october please be responsible to hand in the consent form together with $8 to your group leaders on tuesday! Thank you! :D


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