Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Important - please read and pass on the message

Dear members,
Due to the current H1N1 situation, the school has decided to suspend all CCAs that are not involved in any competitions or performances until further notice.
Please be informed that Art Club activities will NOT resume during the first week when school reopens. Please spread the word.
Right now, we are unable to tell when CCA will resume as it depends on the H1N1 situation in the country, kindly inform fellow members to listen to announcements during morning assembly or check the blog for updates.

Dajing, please call and let our instructor (Mr Lee) know about this.

Hope everybody is safe.

Ms Candy

Friday, June 5, 2009


Dear Art Club members,

i woluld like to say a big thank you to all the members who have put in a lot of time, effort and also sweat in helping out with the mural painting project, especially those who came back on 3rd June to do the touching up till 6 pm.

I think we have learn something from the project as we work with our own members and also with members from other CCAs. Please do see this as a valuable experience.

Although i hate to mention this, there are a handful of our members who are either sitting somewhere eating, drinking or playing with their handphones.

Please do not feel discouraged by their actions and i assured you that these members will be dealt with accordingly.

Last but not least, thank you so much, especially the comm members.
Ms Candy

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mural Painting Reflection [7]

Mural Painting Reflection [7]
Seri hannah (3E4)
We should have a strong teamwork and should also coporate with each other have dicilpine. i had fun time working with my cca mate and there more bounding between each other.i had fun time paintig with my cca mate.

Anbaarashan uthayakumar (3E3)
we should have good leadership skills to control situations and also have diclipine,it could be used to improve my confidence whebn mixing with ppl.we are more bounded,and we understand.the fun part was that have to mix around with new people and also CCA mate.

Masturina Bte Muzmil (2A1)
It was my first time painting a mural. I was tasked to help the Guzheng to do their painting ut Ms Candy asked me to help the Dance instead. I had so much fun painting with the other Art members. I realised that teamwork is important. We need to work together in order to paint well and also to finish up the work on time. We were really concentrating when doing the painting as we did not want to make any mistakes on the wall. Other than teamwork, this activity create an opportunity for me to build up friendship. Before this, I did not interact much with my fellow Art members. Usually, I would just smile to them. But during the mural painting, I had no choice but to interact with them. They are friendly, actually. Overall, everything turned out well. Although I felt lethargic after the painting, I felt really satisfied with my work! I knew I had done my best.

Huang DaJing (3E1)
Today we went for mural painting again and i have learned something new from this session. I think that to touch up the art works require a lot more patient than painting it, we have to be extra careful in order to cover the small details that were left out during the painting without destroying the other parts of the work. Being organised, knowing our next step,what we are going to do, will also increase our efficiency in completing the paintings.I think that being patient in things that we do, not just rushing, trying to get the work done fast and getting organised, will help us to achieve better results in whatever things that we do. Today's session was an enjoyable one, i had fun painting, working with the members and also running around trying to get the stuff:]

Cheryl Ong (2E2)
I think that the qualities necessary in order to do a good job in the painting are, teamwork, determination and the ability to listen to instructions and to act according to them. These are important because only with good teamwork we would be able to work efficently and fast and we won't be in each others' way. By being determined, we are able to persevere throughout the whole project no matter how difficult it is or no matter how many obstacles we have to go through. Also, by having the ability to listen to instructions and act according to them helps by having less mistakes and lesser touch ups to do in the end. These qualities mentioned can help in projects in groups and sometimes in life. We have to be determined, be able to work in a group well which means good teamwork and also listen and act according to instructions given in any situation either in school life or while at work, these qualities help us to get through life and its obastacles. the mural painting build stronger bonds between our friends and fellow art club members. throughout the whole project there were many obsatcles which needed teamwork, at these times it is but a must to work to together and be willing to. We helped each other in different situations and in different ways. I enjoyed the touching up process mainly because during that period of time me and my group members working on that particular wall at Blk 718 had lots of fun. although it was hot under the sun and lots of hard work had to be put in we were all glad that each of us were there to cheer ourselves up rather than being alone at home with nothing to do. In all, i enjoyed mural painting and hope that we could do it again.
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