Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Art Camps member i would like to know can you all text me for western art pupils
thoese who prefer normal art camps or either activity camp that mean for art camp you stay oevrnight but activty camp no overnight.....

Art club t-shirt

hi members
shikin here would like to collect money for the Artclub t-shirt by tmr or thrusday.
it cost $17

Monday, July 18, 2011

Art Club Western Art member....

Reminder for all Western art member Please take note that Art club will resume as per normal as fashion Design have  finish...


Monday, July 4, 2011

Important Notice for Lower Sec Members

Dear Lower Sec members,
for those of you who are involved in the Fashion Design Workshop, you are required to come back to school tomorrow to attend the workshop.
Attendance is compulasory.
Those who are not involved in the workshop do not have to be present.


Ms Candy

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mural Painting @Blk 629 Bedok Reservoir Rd

Dear all,
please be informed that Mural Painting Project at Blk 629 Bedok Reservoir Road will resume on 13 July. All Western Art Group members will be involved in the project as part of CIP activity.
Ms Candy

Western Art Group - CCA resumes on 29 June

Dear Western Art Group members,
please be informed that CCA will resume on 29 June, Wednesday for all Western Art Group members invloved in the Fashion Design Workshop.
Members who are not invloved in the workshop DO NOT have to attend CCA on 29 June, instead please report on 6 July, Wednesday at 3pm outside Art Room 2.
Ms Candy

Chinese Painting resumes on 27 June

Dear Chinese Painting Group members,
please be informed that CCA will resumes on 27 June, Monday for all Chinese Painting Group members. Please report to the Art Room on time.
Ms Candy
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